Epson Group Human Rights Policy
Enacted 9/26/2005
Revised 4/1/2022
Article 1 (Background)
Guided by the Management Philosophy, Epson is committed to achievement of more sustainable future by addressing solutions to various societal issues.
Epson believes that respect for human rights from the standpoint of each individual is a prerequisite for achieving sustainability and is indispensable as the basis for all business activities around the world. On the other hand, however, Epson recognizes that its operations may cause or contribute to adverse impacts on human rights.
Epson has clarified the concept of respect for human rights, while complementing the Management Philosophy and Principles of Corporate Behavior, and positioned this Epson Group Human Rights Policy as the highest guideline in its efforts. Epson enacted it by the resolution of the Board of Directors.
Article 2 (Commitment to international human rights)
Epson commits to respect internationally recognized human rights, at a minimum, as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights At Work, and our approach is based on United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In addition, as a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), Epson will work towards adhering to RBA's Code of Conduct and various standards and procedures which it enacted with reference to those international human rights norms. Epson is a signatory of United Nations Global Compact, and also refers to the following norms and guidelines in conducting our efforts.
- The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- ILO "Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy"
- ISO 26000
- UNICEF, the UN Global Compact and Save the Children "The Children's Rights and Business Principles"
- Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) "Charter of Corporate Behavior"
Article 3 (Scope of application)
This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Epson Group. Epson will assign an officer responsible for the global implementation of this policy, and, under the officer's direction and supervision, will proceed with the efforts related to human rights by the established group organization so as not to cause or contribute to human rights violations.
Epson expects all business partners, including suppliers, to understand and support this policy and the efforts derived from it, and will continue to work to ensure that this policy is respected by them. In addition, in the context of stakeholders and circumstances where the Epson Group cannot control decision-making, we will strive to exert influence so that this policy will be respected and will continue to work to avoid complicity in human rights violations.
Article 4 (Respect for human rights)
Epson respects the human rights of all persons, whether internal or external. Human rights that Epson should respect in its operations include:
[ Inhumane treatment ]
Epson will eliminate inhumane treatment including all kinds of harassment such as sexual harassment and power harassment, violence, gender-based violence, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, bullying, public shaming, verbal abuse, or any other inhumane treatment of workers.
[ Privacy ]
Epson will respect, and not infringe on, personal privacy.
[ Discrimination ]
Epson will not engage in any discrimination based on race, color, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, pregnancy, social status, age, religion, beliefs, creed, education, disability, political affiliation, union membership, covered veteran status, marital status, protected genetic information or any other forms of discrimination.
[ Equal opportunity ]
Epson promotes equality of opportunity and treatment in respect to employment, occupation, and remuneration, with a view to eliminating any discrimination.
[ Child labor, forced labor ]
Epson will never engage in child labor, forced labor, or human trafficking. Epson will not allow children under the minimum employment age stipulated by the laws and regulations of each country or region in which it operates. In the unlikely event that child labor is found, Epson will provide the child with assistance/remediation.
[ Unreasonable dismissal ]
Epson will not dismiss employees for reasons that are not directly related to carrying out business.
[ Freedom of association ]
Epson will respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining based on the laws and regulations of each country and region. In order to maintain good labor-management relations, Epson will provide workers with necessary information and hold discussions and exchange opinions in good faith.
[ Work environment ]
Epson will comply with occupational health and safety laws and regulations as well as company rules and policies, and provide and maintain a safe, sanitary, and healthy work environment that promotes physical and mental well-being.
[ Working conditions ]
Epson will comply with laws and regulations concerning labor conditions in each country and region where Epson conducts business. Epson strives to provide employees with the working conditions, remuneration, and development opportunities to attain the living standards of success in their communities.
Article 5 (Human rights due diligence)
In order to identify, assess, prevent, mitigate, and redress adverse impacts on human rights that are caused or may be caused through Epson's business activities, Epson will build and enhance a human rights due diligence mechanism which encompasses the supply chain and will continue to make efforts to properly deal with the adverse impacts.
Epson will conduct human rights impact assessment when entering new markets, developing new technologies and products, constructing factories, making important decisions such as mergers and acquisitions, and when other major changes such as those to the business environment taking place.
Epson will appropriately address the adverse impacts on human rights identified in the human rights impact assessment and continue to monitor in order to verify the effectiveness of addressing the impacts.
Epson will regularly disclose and report on the implementation status of human rights due diligence.
Article 6 (Remediation)
Epson will implement a mechanism for consultations, complaints and notifications for all stakeholders who are adversely affected by human rights in connection with Epson's operations, products and services encompassing employees, business partners including suppliers, and local communities. Epson will respond in good faith to those complaints and notifications, and will report the outcomes.
These complaints/notifications can be made anonymously, and Epson prohibits disadvantageous treatment and retaliation against the whistleblower. Epson will provide appropriate confidentiality concerning the content and the identity of the whistleblower.
Article 7 (Compliance with laws and regulations)
Epson will comply with the laws and regulations of all countries and regions in which it operates and respect internationally recognized human rights. If there is a discrepancy between the laws of the country or region and internationally recognized human rights, Epson will seek ways to respect the internationally recognized human rights adhering to the higher standards.
Article 8 (Dissemination and education)
Epson will continue to provide officers and employees with education and instructions on this policy and the efforts derived from it and will strive to make the policy and the efforts permeate the company so that all officers and employees of the entire group will comply with this policy and promote efforts to respect human rights.
Article 9 (Disclosure/dialogues)
Epson will disclose this policy and its efforts internally and externally to make them accessible to employees, business partners and other stakeholders.
Epson will utilize the knowledge and advice of independent external experts in the process of implementing the efforts set forth here and will sincerely engage in discussions and dialogues with stakeholders whose human rights are adversely affected.
Epson will review this policy on a regular basis in light of changes in the social environment and dialogues and discussions with stakeholders, and strive to enhance efforts to respect human rights.
Seiko Epson Corporation
Yasunori Ogawa