Sustainability Management

We will work to fulfill our social responsibility and create shared value based on our Management Philosophy.

Solving societal issues, driving growth, and contributing to sustainability

Masaharu Mizukami

Executive Officer
General Administrative Manager,
Business Management Division, and
General Administrative Manager,
Sustainability Promotion Officer

Epson's Management Strategy

Materiality lies at the heart of management at Epson. We identified material topics based on societal issues, and we gear our business activities toward finding solutions to them.
That is why we heavily invest our management resources not only in business growth but also in actions that support our operations and enable us to fulfill our social responsibilities. We seek to achieve sustainability through sustainability management, integrating corporate growth and societal solutions. In other words, we can drive corporate growth by solving societal issues and, conversely, can solve more societal issues by driving corporate growth.

Management Philosophy

Value Creation Story

Sustainability Management Contents
