Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Millions of yen)

  Year ended
March 31, 2019
Year ended
March 31, 2020
Year ended
March 31, 2021
Year ended
March 31, 2022
Year ended
March 31, 2023
Year ended
March 31, 2024
Revenue 1,089,676 1,043,600 995,940 1,128,914 1,330,331 1,313,998
Cost of sales (677,064) (681,600) (643,563) (710,462) (863,680) (857,331)
Gross profit 412,612 362,000 352,377 418,451 466,651 456,666
Selling, general and administrative expenses (342,113) (321,138) (290,735) (328,814) (371,544) (391,945)
Other operating income 6,393 5,181 3,225 10,214 7,022 2,497
Other operating expenses (5,536) (6,563) (17,213) (5,372) (5,083) (9,685)
Profit from operating activities 71,355 39,479 47,654 94,479 97,044 57,533
Finance income 2,450 2,306 1,317 4,698 8,639 15,252
Finance costs (1,865) (2,150) (4,137) (2,128) (2,034) (2,714)
Share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method 99 77 99 113 105 23
Profit before tax 72,040 39,713 44,933 97,162 103,755 70,094
Income taxes (17,995) (31,889) (13,997) (4,859) (28,703) (17,473)
Profit for the period 54,044 7,823 30,995 92,302 75,051 52,620
Profit for the period attributable to:
Owners of the parent company 53,710 7,733 30,922 92,288 75,043 52,616
Non-controlling interests 334 90 73 14 8 4
Profit for the period 54,044 7,823 30,995 92,302 75,051 52,620
Other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss, net of tax (9,378) 967 21,726 10,341 9,619 6,421
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss, net of tax 4,876 (12,660) 16,096 33,582 28,241 50,283
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax (4,501) (11,693) 37,822 43,924 37,861 56,704
Total comprehensive income for the period 49,542 (3,869) 68,818 136,226 112,913 109,325
Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:
Owners of the parent company 49,235 (3,783) 68,564 136,206 112,899 109,308
Non-controlling interests 307 (86) 254 20 13 16
Total comprehensive income for the period 49,542 (3,869) 68,818 136,226 112,913 109,325
Earnings per share for the period
Basic earnings (loss) per share for the period (Yen) 152.49 22.26 89.38 266.73 220.75 158.68
Diluted earnings per share for the period (Yen) 152.44 22.25 89.35 266.64 220.70 158.66

(Note) FVTOCI: Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
